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Top 10 Hotels in Jammu

Popular Accommodation Types in Jammu

Sat, 22 Mar - Sun, 23 Mar

Top Attractions in Jammu


    Despite the humid subtropical climate, this North Indian city's many temples continue to attract devotees and visitors alike. As the main route of entry to the sacred Vaishno Devi Shrine in the Trikuta Mountains, many also visit temples including the Raghunath and Lakshmi Narayan in the city. Imposing palaces and monuments like the Mubarak Mandi and Amar Mahal are historical relics from the Dogra dynasty, while bazaars contain other Kashmiri treasures. recently found 251 hotels in Jammu, India. Find a range of accommodation in Jammu at great prices. Book luxury Jammu hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Jammu with affordable room rates.

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